Youth Football Conditioning Workouts Begin May 7
Junior Predators Start Youth Football Conditioning
We are excited to announce that this Saturday, May 7, will be the first day of Junior Predators conditioning workouts. We will kick off conditioning this Saturday with Coach Bo Jack training / conditioning session. This Saturdays training begins at 9 AM at Faith Christian Academy, in the grassy area in front of the church.
6u Flag and 8u Tackle players workouts are from 9:00am to 10:00am
10u, 12u and 14u Tackle players workouts are from 9:00am to 11:00am
From that point forward, Junior Predators will condition every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 PM -7 PM. And every Saturday from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. All conditioning will be conducted on the grassy area in front of the church. (not the main football fields). Please arrive 15 minutes prior to each start time as we will start each conditioning session sharply on time.
We also pleased to announce that this year’s conditioning program will primarily be led by our 14U, Varsity coaches. Coming off two consecutive trips to the AAU national tournament, and last year’s FYFCL South Division Championship Game Winner, we are excited to bring their level of intensity, passion, and work ethic to our entire off-season conditioning program. It is been no secret that the Junior Predators 14U, varsity program has been the most conditioned team in the league the last two years. In addition, our program design will be assisted by Jamoris Slaughter.
Off-season conditioning is optional. That said, we have very large rosters this year and all of our Junior Predators coaches will be in attendance to assess players and conditioning. It is highly recommended to attend as many of these conditioning sessions as possible.
Remember: First official day of practice is August 1.
Looking forward to seeing all of you this Saturday!